Sample Category Description. ( Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. )
Chicken balls are a yummy chicken snack especially made during Ramadan. Chicken potato coated with egg, bread crumbs outside with melted cheese inside that...
Chicken samosa is a yummy iftar snack crispy outside and mouthwatering chicken filling inside. The delicious chicken samosa recipe along with homemade samosa sheets...
Eggless Fruit cake is a bakery-style occasional cake mixed with tutti frutti, chopped almonds, cashew nuts and pistachio to make extra flavorful and...
The chicken mandi recipe is flavoured with grilled chicken without an oven and without steam, spiced with mandi biryani rice with homemade mandi masala....